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What we do

Other Services We Provide

Y Services deliver a a range of youth, play and support work. Our work is always in partnership with Councils, communities, organisations and agencies. Each piece of work is unique and gives young people access to support that meets their needs at home, at school, at college, in their workplace or their community. We can design and deliver bespoke projects and programmes on request.


“Y – Health is about helping young people to stay healthy”

We want young people to stay healthy, protect themselves and know how to access appropriate health services and interventions when they need them. Trained youth work professionals provide health and wellbeing sessions to young people primarily between 13-19 years, through targeted or drop in sessions. These sessions can take place in youth centres, health venues, schools or through detached youth work specific sessions. Participants receive information and support on a variety of issues including: smoking, alcohol, sexual health, diet, relationships, self harm etc. Each session can also offer; pregnancy and Chlamydia testing, plus condom distribution.

Our ambition:

To build knowledge and resilience among young people That young people know how to ask for help, and are able to access confidential advice and support about wellbeing, relationships and sexual health. Young people have the confidence and emotional resilience to understand the benefits of positive and healthy relationships Young people are informed of positive health choices and consequences of risky behaviours.

Conceptions and Misconceptions

We are proud to present Conceptions and Misconceptions – an interactive film and resource pack which explores the myths and presents the facts about teenage pregnancy and young parenthood. This brilliant resource was made by young people for young people, looks at support services and focuses on the stories of four young mums. The interactive section means that the film can be used as a stand alone piece of work, and the resource pack supports professionals to explore the issues raised with young people and can be used in a range of environments including class rooms and youth clubs.


Please email if you would like a copy of the film or the accompanying resource pack.

Y – Youth Work Delivery helps young people develop their own social skills

Youth work promotes young people’s personal and social development, helping them learn about themselves, others and society, through informal educational activities which combine enjoyment, challenge and learning. Y Services for Young People deliver targeted and open access youth club sessions to young people in partnership with statutory and voluntary organisations, to support and broaden young people’s learning experiences.

Sessions are planned and delivered by trained youth workers either in designated youth clubs, community venues or on the streets with young people through detached youth work. Whilst young people undertake activities which may include; pool, cooking, arts and crafts, games etc, youth workers can explore issues, be a positive role model and support if necessary.

Each session can last up to 2.5 hours and will also include an element of issue based work such as healthy relationships, raising awareness of cultural events or activities to support education, employment or training opportunities. At the heart of youth work practice is the building of a trusting and credible relationship between young person and youth worker. It is from this basis, staff work with young people and identify is additional support is required. These young people may be mentored by the youth worker of signposted to a more appropriate service.

Young people attending youth club sessions can also work on various accredited programmes to enhance their skills and personal development. Examples of these include: Drugs and alcohol awareness, young worker training and life skills programmes.