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Y Services Covid information and update

The challenges that young people face have not disappeared during this pandemic and in some cases will have escalated. That’s why we’re working hard to operate as safely as possible during these uncertain times and are committed to minimising the risk of spreading the virus.

To do this, we have carefully considered the number of young people we can safely have in and around our centres, and how we focus our programmes to make the most of the outdoors and large spaces we have access to. Our colleagues will have access to a lot of guidance on safe practice and risk assessments which cover everything they need to know.

To carry out our work in a safe and appropriate way we have implemented the following:


  • Multiple hand sanitising / hand washing points and reminders in each building
  • Kitchens will be used for hand washing only
  • Dynamic practice risk assessments for our buildings and all work with young people, in place and updated regularly.
  • Our buildings will be limited in use, fully checked to ensure we adhere to social distancing and full cleaning services resumed a week before buildings are occupied to allow for deep cleans and water flushing.
  • Work stations allocated to each member of staff to limit sharing of facilities, working from home encouraged where possible.
  • One way systems and separate entry and exit to buildings where possible.
  • Toilets will also be limited in availability and use.


  • We ask that anyone who has symptoms of Coronavirus, or who is in the same household as someone who has symptoms, does not visit any of our projects and follows government advice to self-isolate at home.
  • Anyone displaying any symptoms of COVID-19, no matter how small will be immediately isolated and parents will be contacted to collect the young person
  • Anyone relating to an individual showing COVID-19 symptoms will also be isolated.


To ensure we are keeping young people safe whilst at Y Services, we will adhere to all the regulatory practice available and follow all relevant current policy and guidance. We will keep up-to-date with any changes and adapt our practices as required. 


  • Please bring with you a snack and/or drink and your own face covering if you have one (we are able to supply face coverings at our centres).
  • Face coverings will need to be worn for the duration of your indoor session.
  • Temperature checks for anyone using our services
  • Parents are welcome to drop off a young person to a Youth Centre. However, we’re afraid parents cannot come into the buildings currently.
  • On arrival young people will be asked to check details and use the hand sanitizer, your details will be collected for track n trace and held under GDPR guidelines for 21 days.


We hope this provides you, your colleagues, parents and young people with the reassurance of the changes we are making at Y Services to confidently bring young people back to our centres we will advise you on what you need to do or bring with you to make sure you are safe when using our buildings or are in contact with our youth workers but we hope you find this useful to prepare you for your visit and, if you have any questions or worries, please ask!

We are here to help and above all … we’re really looking forward to seeing you!

Full COVID-19 risk assessments are available on request.

covid update

NYA COVID-19 Readiness Level RED

What does this mean?

** Following the Prime Ministers statement on 31 October 2020 we can confirm that the youth sector moves into RED on the readiness framework. **
  • Online and digital youth services
  • Detached/outdoor local youth services
  • 1-2-1 sessions with high-need young people (indoors)
  • Small group work session indoors with high need young people (consistent with social distancing guidelines)