Comments Compliments and complaints
We are responsible for the support, development and delivery of quality youth work that meets the needs of children and young people in their local communities. We welcome and comments, compliments and any concerns that you need to raise with us in order to learn and improve our service. We want to hear from you if you would like to make a comment about an idea you have, a suggestion or an observation about any of our projects or services. We are keen to hear from you, where you feel that a member of staff has provided you with an excellent service or we have dome something well and would like to make a compliment, please contact us using the details or form provided at the bottom of the page.
How to make a complaint?
So why would you need to make a complaint? Sometimes talking through a complaint with a youth worker may not resolve the issue. There are procedures in place so that your complaint can be looked at by another member of staff or a manager. There are four stages to the complaints procedure.
Stage one
The first thing you need to do if you have a complaint to make is to speak to either the youth worker involved or one of the other youth workers. They will talk things through with you and try to help you to sort things out. As with any discussion with a youth worker, your complaint will be kept confidential as far as possible, unless we feel that this issue is in conflict with safeguarding yourself or other young people. If this is the case your complaint will be passed to the lead youth worker who will make a note of it and pass the information on to the appropriate manager.
Stage two
If you do not want to speak to a youth worker or are unhappy with their response, the next stage is to raise the complaint by filling out a complaint form / or returning the slip attached to the complaint form. You can get a form from any member of staff and you do not have to give an explanation why you want one. Your complaint will then be investigated and a written response given.
Stage three
If you do not feel your complaint has been properly investigated, or you feel that you were treated unfairly you can ask for the process to be reviewed and for a written response sent to you setting out conclusions. We aim to do this within two weeks of your complaint being made.
Stage four
If you are still not satisfied with the response you have received, you can contact a trustee of the Charity through either phone or email.
M 07585 511022